Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Allison small portrait

I'm working on this very small portrait of a past client, Allison. Here is what I've done after a wipeout from raw umber and the two days of color work. My palette is mostly earth colors.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Here are some paintings I'm working on - some look fuzzy - I think it's from the wind blowing while I was taking the shots outside - for best lighting, of course. All are in progress. The model is a beautiful dancer daughter of a fellow teacher. I also taught her when she was a little girl of 6 and 7.

White Tutu - oil on canvas - 12x16
Mirror Dancer - 11x14
oil on gessoboard

First day of the blog

So here is the first post in my new blog. Thanks to SamIvie for giving me this idea. I plan on posting my paintings in progress at least once a week. This will keep me on my toes I think! Also, my friends and family can drop in once in awhile to see what I've been up to. Unlike my site,, which has only finished portraits and portrait business, this blog shall be for paintings of all kinds in progress.

I'm working on a dancer series, 3 portraits, some other various and sundry drawings and plan on putting them all here.

If you're a painter, artist or fellow sufferer in the arts - please drop me a line. See my link page for some great artists sites to visit for inspiration.